From newborn babies to older adults, we all want to be as healthy as possible and live full and productive lives. That’s why preventive health is so important.

Certainly, some health conditions are beyond our control. Yet there are those things that we can control, and that’s where the importance of prevention comes in. It’s a matter of a few simple steps that everyone can take to help ensure better health:

  • Understand the timing of important exams, screenings and vaccinations
  • Work closely with a health expert to anticipate your future health needs
  • Respond quickly to injuries, developing conditions or big changes in day-to-day health

Healthful Pregnancies, Healthy Newborns

The well-being of moms and babies starts before any birthday; prenatal care can make sure both are doing well throughout pregnancy. It’s important: Children who have no prenatal care are three times more likely to have low birth weights that can lead to a number of issues.

Working with a primary care or OB provider can make sure you’re on schedule for all tests, images and checkups. If you don’t have a family provider or doctor, we can help you find one.

Once baby arrives, timely vaccinations and exams make big differences. Newborns and parents both benefit from well-baby checkups. Most babies see the doctor more during their first year than at any other point of childhood. Each visit ensures babies are developing as they should. Regular visits can help ensure early intervention if your provider becomes aware of any issues or complications.

Kids’ Care Grows Up Fast

Children have busy schedules with school, activities – and their health. Stay aware of major growth milestones, as well as time-sensitive shots. Regular well-child checkups are a great way for your care team to ensure your child is on track, and to work with you if a child has a challenge like asthma, diabetes or another chronic condition.

Later, kids might dive into sports, and our team can make sure they’re set for the competition with sports physicals. Yearly checkups cover the entire spectrum of a child — mind, body and spirit — and are good for one full year. A checkup can also count as a sports physical. Sports physicals make sure student athletes are in top physical condition to compete, yet a physical is not a substitute for a yearly checkup.

As your child grows, no matter when your child needs care, we’re here for you, be it a sprained ankle, an ear infection or anything else.

A Healthy Adulthood

For adults, partnering with a primary care provider means you can stay ahead of the curve on any health problem that might develop. Make a habit of scheduling a yearly preventive visit to stay up to date with immunizations; flu shots; blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol numbers; and important cancer screenings like mammograms and colonoscopies. With regular preventive care, many illnesses can be prevented or cured when detected early.  

When people skip recommended cancer screenings, it can give a tumor a head start. When you work with your doctor and care team, you can stay on schedule, feel better – and perhaps save your life. It’s better for your quality of life, as well as your finances, to get little problems treated early – before they become big problems.

Eating a healthy diet, getting enough good sleep and staying active all are important parts of adult health. Mental wellness also plays a dynamic role in how we feel. Quality of life improves when you’re feeling good, from your joints and muscles to your spirit and attitude.

At the same time you adopt new healthy habits, be sure to consider unhealthy habits, like excessive alcohol intake or tobacco use of any kind, as well as vaping. Your provider understands that adults deal with these issues and are ready to help you quit.

The potential benefits of a lifetime of prevention can be enjoying more days with the people we love, less pain, better mobility and improved quality of life. In short, you can thrive instead of just survive. Life can present its challenges, but when you protect your health, no matter your age, you can take life on and keep winning.

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